X plane 11 aircraft maker
X plane 11 aircraft maker

x plane 11 aircraft maker

Alternative method: Enter something remotely sensible for specific weight, then check the resulting JATO weight as indicated on the Weight and Balance sheet, then go back to Special Controls and make a better guess.If you know that a JATO unit delivers 4400 lb(f) (=pound-force) of thrust and burns for 6 seconds, and that its weight is 73.3 lbs, you can calculate the specific weight as follows: Note on the weight: Duration is in seconds, specific weight is in pounds per pound-force per hour. Note on the geometry: You should make sure that the thrust line of the JATO unit runs approximately through the centre-of-gravity of your aircraft! Else lighting and burn-out of the JATO rocket will introduce a trim change - the more powerful the rocket, the worse the trim change. For geometry JATO long arm, JATO vert(ical) arm, JATO angle.

x plane 11 aircraft maker

These are usually solid-propellant rockets, but historically liquid-fueled rockets have been used, too. Jet assisted take-off or JATO is actually a strange military term for single-use rockets that are fired (typically) on take-off to reduce the ground run. 5.1 Thrust vector with pitch/roll/yaw input.4.2 Differential elevator & stabilator with yaw.4.1 Differential elevator & stabilator with roll.2.20 Hi-rotor RPM warning horn equipped.2.19 Lo-rotor RPM warning horn equipped.2.8 Auto wing-sweep with flaps and flops.2.7 Auto-lock tailwheel elevator fully aft.

X plane 11 aircraft maker